Please, Don’t Touch Anything Apk for Android (paid)

Please, Don’t Touch Anything APK Review:

Please, Don’t Touch Anything Application Download APP APK Android Online From Free APK Downloader APK Installer Select category and browse apps for Android
To Please, Don’t Touch Anything for Android for free we recommend to select the model of your mobile device and our system will offer you compatible files of this Android app.
Please, Don’t Touch Anything apk is a very useful app. If you are a tech savvy or a developer then this app may come in handy. And moreover this app can work without root access on devices having OS version above 5.0 as most of these type of tools requires root.
This app is paid on google play store but we are providing the cracked free version.
SuperSu app is used in this case to allow root permissions.
If you want to play this apps, you can download and play the Apps from the link below. Good luck.

Download Please, Don’t Touch Anything free on android

Please, Don’t Touch Anything – is cryptographic game mystery about restroom breaks, a screwdriver, and nuclear explosions.
Replacing a colleague, who had gone to the bathroom, you will find yourself in front panel mysterious, just one detail – the red button. And from the moment you exactly made it clear that nothing can touch it, you just think about how to push the damn button.
Covering for a colleague taking a bathroom break, you find yourself in front of a mysterious panel which only component is a red button. And since you’ve clearly been instructed not to touch anything, the only thing you want to do now is pushing the damn button.
Push it and expect to be held liable for any unintended aftermath. And there will be many.


– 25 devious enigmas
– Singular pixel art
– Atmospheric chiptune soundtrack
– Touch screen optimized gameplay

How to Install Please, Don’t Touch Anything Apk Mod

Download Please, Don’t Touch Anything apk file on your phone.
Go to Settings>>Security and enable Unknown sources option. If already enabled then skip this step.
Now navigate to the Please, Don’t Touch Anything premium apk file you just downloaded.
Tap on it and install the package. Allow all the onscreen permissions.
Once the app is installed, launch it.

Please, Don’t Touch Anything Download Links

Mobdisc Download Please, Don’t Touch Anything Normal APK – 46 MB